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Aliyah had been exhausted after a long day at work, so the moment she stepped through the door of her apartment, she was ready to kick off her shoes and collapse on the sofa.  Little did she know, her boyfriend had other plans.

As she moved down the hallway, Aliyah suddenly felt something soft against her bare feet.  She paused for a moment in the darkness, not too sure what it was.  Then it dawned on her – rose petals.  Red rose petals were scattered all down her hallway.

Confused, she slowly made her way forward feeling her way in the darkness. Suddenly out of nowhere her boyfriend’s voice called her name.  She jumped in surprise and turned towards the direction of the voice, when he snuck up behind her and placed a blindfold over her eyes.

He whispered in her ear and said, “I wanted to surprise you so I have prepared you a special night.  Just trust me and follow my lead.”

As Aliyah’s heart raced, her boyfriend gently guided her through her apartment.  Then, with the blindfold still on, she felt a hand in hers and was stripped and leaned back across the bed.

Aliyah couldn’t help but feel excited but also a little apprehensive about the night ahead.  What did her boyfriend have in store for her?  Just as she was getting wetter, she felt four more hands moving on her body.  Oh, this was a great surprise!  I love when he brings his friends over to play!

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Aliyah Petrova

Author Aliyah Petrova

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