It’s bright, beautiful and hot outside. so, you know what that means! It’s bikini season. My apartment place has a nice big pool. I will say there is a fair mix of people that live at my apart but most of the people that use the pool are older married couples. That said, all the wife’s hate me here. Not going out of my way to make a scene but with a body like this, I’m not covering up. It’s not my fault there husbands come running to me for something tighter. And I accept every one that comes my way, lets just say they have pretty bank accounts.
Laid back on my sun chair. My cherry red two piece bikini barely covering my nipples as the tops of my breast practically fall out of my top. The cherry red bottoms are thong cut and slide right between my ass cheeks. Hugging my pussy, putting my body on full display. I’m not shy in the slightest, so when one of the husbands came over and offered to help with my sun screen I happily accepted. The upset wife simply received a sly grin from me as I turn around so her husband can get to my ass.