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Ass kissing. It was the talk of the town festival, and Aubrey was the one to blame. With her long, honey-colored hair and perfect body, she had managed to come up with a booth that attracted a line around the block.

Men and women of all ages couldn’t resist the chance to go to Aubrey’s ass kissing booth. They were drooling at the sight of her luscious, perfect ass. It was the most popular attraction at the festival, bringing in more money than the last five years combined.

People couldn’t get enough of Aubrey’s ass. They whispered about it, gossiped about it, and fantasized about it. And Aubrey, always the generous soul, was happy to give them what they wanted.

As the day went on, the line only grew longer. It was clear that Aubrey’s ass was the star of the show. Some even said that it had saved the festival, and by extension, the town.

And so, the honey-haired Aubrey continued to kiss and be kissed. Her ass was the center of attention, the most prized attraction. It was a wonder to behold, and Aubrey was more than happy to share it with the town.

Ass kissing had never been so popular, or so profitable. And Aubrey, with her perfect body and perfect ass, was the queen of it all.

Aubrey gives ass kissing new life

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Aubrey Anderson

Author Aubrey Anderson

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