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Roxy knew exactly what she was getting into when Father Damien called her up for another sordid session of blasphemy and debauchery. This twisted priest (if he even was one) lived for desecrating the divine, and Roxy was more than happy to oblige his every unholy whim.

“Roxy you filthy wench,” Father Damien growled as soon as Roxy answered the phone, the slippery sounds of his self-pleasure already audible in the background. “I need you to blaspheme with me tonight, to defile the sacred with the profane. Are you ready to be my willing slut of sacrilege?”

“Oh yes Father,” Roxy purred, already feeling herself grow wet at the thought of the blasphemous pleasures to come. “I’m ready to commit unspeakable acts of blasphemy with you, to offend the Lord God in the most depraved ways imaginable. Tell me what vile duties you require of your wretched servant tonight.”

“First, I want you to take the Holy Name in vain, to cry out ‘Oh fuck yes Jesus’ as you pleasure yourself, presenting your naked body as a living altar of sin and lust…” Damien panted, lost in the throes of depravity already.

“Fuck yes Jesus, oh God yes!” Roxy moaned, working two fingers in and out of her dripping sex. “Oh fuck, I’m desecrating my slutty holes for you Father, defiling the Holy Spirit! Fuck me fuck me, use me as your personal fucktoy of blasphemy!”

“Mmm, that’s it you filthy girl,” Damien groaned, the wet schlicks of his stroking hand growing faster and more frantic. “Now, I want you to claim you are the Whore of Babylon, the Great Deceiver, planted here to lead weak men down the path to damnation with your hot cunt! Fuck yeah…”

And so Roxy continued to blaspheme with abandon, claiming she was the Devil’s concubine, the Queen of Hell, an incarnation of Lilith and Jezebel and all the greatest female sinners of history. She ranted and raved the most disgusting blasphemous filth, every foul phrase and sentence spilling from her lips. All while Father Damien stroke his cock faster and faster, finally crying out in unholy ecstasy as he spilled his seed in a blasphemous baptism, anointing himself in the fluids of depravity.

“You’re such an amazing blasphemer Roxy,” Damien panted, coming down from his high. “No one else can make me feel so deliciously defiled, so wickedly wrathful against the Lord. Stay a filthy slut for me my dear, keep offending the Almighty. Fuck him and all his angels!”

“Mmm fuck the Lord indeed,” Roxy giggled. “I’ll keep being your blasphemous little cocksleeve, your unrepentant whore of heresy. Talk to you next time, Father.”

And with that, the two supremely profane perverts bid each other goodbye, already looking forward to the next chance to sully the sacred and spurn the divine, to commit the most heinous blasphemies and sacrilegious sins for their shared twisted pleasure.

Blaspheme with Deviant Roxy

888-750-4746 ext 827

Roxy Phillips

Author Roxy Phillips

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