Yes, I am a cum whore. The rumors are all true. I have a deep and abiding love for all that thick, viscous substance that only a man’s hard cock can produce, that white gold. My obsession with man chowder began with my mother, and she taught me the ways to worship every drop of the delicious essence. I continue to carry on the tradition, raising a mini army of splooge-obsessed knob gobblers.
My girls have become experts in their own right, learning various techniques for extracting the dongwater without ever even touching the dong. It’s not as easy as it seems, but with a little practice, they’ve become masters of the art of extracting the erectoplasm. We make sure to keep all of that Gentleman’s relish safe and sound, in order to savor its salty essence. It’s a fucking delicacy around here!
I invite everyone, cum join us in our sticky adventures and indulge in the deliciousness of a load of lust liquor. Every drop of that milky goodness is a treasure around my trailer, and we take great pleasure in sharing it with the world. Come on over to my trashy trailer and join the cum party! We are running low on satchel-syrup and we need your assistance!
Jizz is the soup of the day!
Clementine- 888-750-4746 ext 826