The sultry summer night was alive with the sound of laughter and music from the trailer park. I had just gotten back from a long day of slut work and all my horny girls were out with their pals doing God knows what. Knowing I was in for a long night of boredom, I decided to take a stroll around the trailer park and see what kind of mischief I could find.
It didn’t take me long to stumble across a group of the local cock sucking sissy sluts having a heated argument. I sidled up closer to get a better view of the sissified situation. It seemed that they were arguing about who could take a cock deeper down their gullet while grilling some franks. Being the daredevil that I am, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I picked up a hot wiener with my bare hands and deep throated that sausage, showing them how it was done.
The sissy sluts were in awe of my feat and worried that I had burned my throat. Little did they know that my throat hadn’t had any feeling since the late eighties. After that, I continued on my trailer park adventure, ready to impress the next group I stumbled across with my deep throat skills.
The night was full of surprises and I had a blast. Who knew that I could find such interesting entertainment in a place like the trailer park? It just goes to show that you never know what you’ll find when you least expect it.
Let me show you how to deep throat a salami!
Clementine 888-750-4746 ext 826