Abduction. The very thought of it made Roxy’s blood boil. She may have looked sweet and innocent, but she was a dark, deviant witch, and she wasn’t going down without a fight.
One day, as she was walking home from the corner store, a van pulled up alongside her. Two burly men hopped out and grabbed her, throwing her into the back of the vehicle. But Roxy wasn’t about to let them have their way with her.
As they drove off, she began to plot her revenge. She waited until they were good and distracted, laughing about the demented things they intended to do to her beautiful body, then she made her move. With a flick of her wrist and a muttered incantation, Roxy bound the men’s hands and feet with magical ropes. They were completely immobilized.
The look of shock and fear on their worthless faces was priceless as Roxy climbed on top of them, grinning wickedly. She took her time, savoring the moment as she slowly and deliberately stripped them of their clothes, as well as their paltry bit of remaining dignity. She wanted them to feel vulnerable and powerless, just as they had made her feel.
As she feverishly worked, Roxy let out all of her aggression, taunting and humiliating them. She spoke perversely, making lewd comments and extremely graphic threats, the kind of threats that don’t fade easily. She wanted to leave a lasting impression, to make sure they never tried anything like this again.
When she was finished, deviant witch Roxy left the men nude, bound and humiliated in the back of the van, strolling home with a satisfied smirk on her sweet face. She may have looked fragile and innocent, but no one fucked with Roxy without spending the rest of their pathetic little life looking over their shoulder.
Let Roxy turn the tables on you
888-750-4746 ext 827