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Meira sat cross-legged on the floor of her boutique, using a tape measure and a keen eye to pick out the perfect outfits for each of her submissives.  The boys all had different shapes and sizes, but she took the time to carefully select clothing that fit them perfectly and suited their personalities.  She giggled to herself when she saw one of them blushing when she asked him to try on something “a bit more, um, daring?”

But her favorite part of the process was picking out the pretty, frilly, lacy outfits.  She slowly ran her hands over the fabric, taking in the colors and designs, imagining it on her boys.  Her eyes lit up when she found something she really liked.  She would twirl around with it in her hands, imagining how wonderful it would look on them, and the boost in their confidence when they wore it.

Sometimes the boys were a bit hesitant at first about wearing the more outrageous outfits or the very sexy lingerie, but Meira was gentle and patient with them.  She gave them reassurances while explaining the beauty of being comfortable in their sissiness.  Much to Meira’s delight, the boys eventually yielded to her guidance and embraced their femininity.  They even began to take extra pride in their new look and found joy in wearing their favorite pieces.

No matter what the submissive was wearing, Meira always enjoyed watching the transformation.  Seeing them shine with joy and pride at their newfound self-expression was the most rewarding part of her job, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Meira Maijer

Author Meira Maijer

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