If you’re going to act like a dog, you will be treated like a dog
Lana had enough. She had given her submissive every chance to act appropriately, and he had failed her time and time again. As he cowered down before her, she stood above him and uttered one phrase, “If you are going to act like a dog, you will be treated like a dog.” Without hesitation, she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and forced him into his cage.
The restrictive metal forced him to stay on his knees. He had become so accustomed to its confinement that he barely resisted, only whimpering pathetically as she secured him inside and left him alone.
She would leave him in his time out for twenty minutes at a time, while she would get his meal ready to make him eat out of his dog dish when he was released.
When he was able to come out, he had to eat his meal and drink on his hands and knees like the animal he was. Although he said he hated it, they both knew his favorite part was having his butt plug tail.
When he finally got to be free and play with his toys, he would wiggle his hips and the long tail would move quickly across the floor.
Lana loved seeing her pet happy.
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