Mama knows best, I’ll give her that. When I first brought home my white boy toy Jack, she raised an eyebrow. Or two. I mean, he’s cute and all, but mama wasn’t impressed. Told me he looked like a scrawny little shit. That real men have meat on their bones, not like these pale bois. But I liked him. He was different.
We started dating in secret, sneaking around, getting it in wherever we could. Car, park, hell even right in my mama’s house when she was out running errands. Jack was a freak and I loved it. He would send me pics of that fat white cock at all hours of the day. Over breakfast, on lunch break at work, hell he even snuck a few nudes in church once. The thrill, baby!
Things came to a head when mama found my phone and saw Jack’s dick pics. She LOST. IT. Called me every name in the book and then some. Said I was disrespecting her and the ancestors by dating no-good white boys. That I needed a real man, a brother to show me how it’s done. Her words, not mine.
I was heated. Stood up for my man and told her to back off. We went back and forth for a while before she challenged me. “Let me see what this white boy can do then. I bet he ain’t got nothing on a real man.”
Oh she was wrong. I knew Jack would wreck her. So I took that as my cue to set shit up. Invited him over when I knew mama would be home. Let her see what she was missing.
Jack came through and oh man…he did not disappoint. Mama tried to act all high and mighty at first but once she saw what he was packing, that tune changed real quick. Before long, all three of us were naked and going at it. Mama rode him like she was trying to break him. I had him in my mouth while she bounced on his cock. We tag teamed that white boy so good.
After, mama just looked at me and shook her head. “Girl…he ain’t half bad. For a white boy.” I smiled with pride. Jack had passed the mama test with flying colors.
Now she ain’t Trippin off him so much no more. In fact, she even asks for his number sometimes. Mama knows best indeed. And now I’ve got the ultimate threesome partner. Ebony, her mama, and the white boy who made it rain and then some. Mama taught me well, I’ll say that much.”