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“Ass kissing is a valuable skill, girls,” Clementine declared to her barely legal daughters, Brandi and Candy, as they sat in their run-down trailer. “It’s time for a little lesson in how to properly show respect.”

The girls rolled their eyes, but Clementine was determined to teach them a lesson they would never forget. She grabbed a bottle of cheap wine and the three of them set off towards the heart of the trailer park.

As they made their way through the dirt roads, Clementine pointed out various neighbors and instructed her daughters to “kiss their asses,” much to their embarrassment. The first few neighbors were confused, but once they caught on, they were more than happy to oblige, patting their backsides and laughing at the absurd request.

But Clementine wasn’t satisfied with simple back pats. She wanted her daughters to get down on their knees and really show some ass kissing respect. The girls were hesitant, but with some coaxing from their mother, they begrudgingly followed her instructions.

As they made their way through the trailer park, the sight of two barely legal daughters on their knees, kissing the asses of various neighbors, became a spectacle. Some neighbors cheered, some jeered, but Clementine didn’t care. She was on a mission to teach her daughters a lesson.

By the end of the night, Brandi and Candy were red-faced and embarrassed, but they had learned their lesson. They had seen firsthand the power of ass kissing and the respect it can command.

As they stumbled back to their trailer, Clementine turned to her daughters with a satisfied smile. “See girls, ass-kissing can get you far in life. Just remember to always stay classy.”

And with that, the three of them tumbled into their trailer, exhausted and slightly tipsy from the night’s events. But most importantly, they had learned the value of ass kissing, the Clementine way.

Let my girls do some more ass kissing

Clementine 888-750-4746 ext 826

Clementine Moorehead

Author Clementine Moorehead

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