Boot worship was a fetish Santa had never indulged in before, but as he found himself on the receiving end of Dominatrix Roxy’s cruel game, he couldn’t help but be swept up in the moment.
Roxy was a slim, powerful woman who exuded dominance. Her black leather boots gleamed in the dim light of her dungeon, and Santa couldn’t take his eyes off of them. He knew he had made the naughty list this year, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make things right.
“Start worshipping,” Roxy commanded, and Santa immediately dropped to his knees. He pressed his face against the smooth leather of her boot, inhaling the intoxicating scent of polished leather and sweat. He ran his hands up and down the length of the boot, marveling at the strength and confidence it represented.
“Lick it,” Roxy demanded, and Santa obediently stuck out his tongue, lapping at the leather as if it was the sweetest candy. He could feel the power radiating off of Roxy as she stood over him, and he couldn’t help but be turned on by it.
Roxy allowed Santa to lick and kiss her boots for what felt like hours, before finally declaring that he had been punished enough. She pulled her boots away from him, leaving Santa gasping for more.
“Next time, you’ll think twice about making the naughty list,” Roxy said with a smirk. “Now, get out of my dungeon.”
Santa left Roxy’s dungeon that night with a newfound appreciation for boot worship, and a desire to end up on the naughty list again. He knew that next year, he would be a very good bad boy.
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