Aliyah was no stranger to disobeying the rules. Too often she found herself pushing the boundaries of her Dominant’s authority, small lapses of judgement bringing out her Master’s infamous scolding. This time, her bratting had gone too far. He had enough – Aliyah was going to pay for her indiscretions.
Struggling mightily against the tight grip he had on her, she was dragged through the backdoor and led down to the basement. That was the first time that Aliyah had felt fear – fear of the unknown that lurked below in the darkness. Deep down inside, Aliyah knew she had made her Master angry and this was what she got as a result but she still hoped it wouldn’t be too bad.
As soon as she reached the bottom of the steps, her Master placed a cane down next to her feet, its significance not lost on her. She watched as he grabbed the cane and with a slow and consistent rhythm, made it dance across her back. The stinging sensation she felt left her no doubt that the punishment would be remembered long after.
Realising she had to take responsibility for her own actions, Aliyah quietly accepted her punishment and vowed to never act out again. Eventually, the tears stopped flowing and her Dominant tended to her wounds. She knew she deserved the punishment but that he still cared, regardless.
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