Rotten Roxy was in desperate need of a self-care day. She had been tormenting and torturing all of the horny hole humpers that thought they wanted her attention. The constant attention she was receiving was really wearing her down, so she decided to take the situation to a whole new level and planned a sleazy bisexual orgy with a slew of incognito cocks and pussies.
To prepare for her party, she had her minions draw her a blood red bath and bathed her. She then forced them to watch her masturbate in the tub before standing and forcing them to dry her completely in her big, soft black towel. After her bath, she had her minions prepare her for the big event. She was dressed in a black shimmery slip dress and, of course, her hair, jewelry and makeup were done for her by her team of minions. Obviously, she had a lackey licking her cunt the whole time making sure it was good and wet for the ball.
When Roxy arrived at the party, she was the center of attention. She took on every strange dick and pussy her moist mouth and tiny little pussy could handle. She teased and tantalized every soul there, and by the end of the night, she was completely exhausted but satisfied. Roxy’s self-care day was a success and she was able to enjoy her sleazy orgy without having to worry about the endless attention she was receiving from her admirers.
She was a sight to behold as she teased and tantalized everyone at the party. By the end of the night, she was exhausted and satisfied, and her self-care day was a complete success. Roxy was refreshed and ready to receive attention and welcome more souls into her dark and beautiful lair of mortal sin and pleasure.
Roxy knows how to relax! 888-750-4746 ext 827