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Today was the first day back to school and I was very excited to meet my new students. I was teaching the “at risk” students, the bad boys that were a little too old to be there. They stared when I walked in, maybe I had a little too much cleavage showing but what can I say? I love the attention! Mostly, the class was uneventful except for this one boy. He was fucking around all day long so I kept him after class.

“Is there a reason you’ve been such a pain in my ass today, Mr Williams?” I asked firmly and funny enough, he had nothing to say. “Well, I can’t have you disrupting class like that anymore so I will have to teach you a lesson on manners.”

“Pull down your pants and bend over the desk.” He didn’t want to comply but the look on my face told him that he had better obey. I pulled out my paddle and gave him a smack. He cried out in pain so I took off my panties and shoved them in his mouth. One firm paddling later and I had a good boy ready to listen.


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Deborah Jones

Author Deborah Jones

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