Aubrey’s life as a bored housewife in the suburbs was turned upside down when she discovered her new neighbor was an adult baby. At first, she was skeptical, but when she saw him crawling around in diapers and sucking on a pacifier, she knew it was true.
The adult baby, who introduced himself as Timmy, offered Aubrey an exorbitant amount of money to babysit him. She reluctantly agreed, thinking it would be an easy way to make some extra cash when her worthless husband was away. But Timmy turned out to be a very naughty adult baby.
He would throw tantrums, make messes, and constantly try to stick his pacifier in Aubrey’s mouth. At first, she was grossed out, but as time went on, she began to enjoy teasing him. She would wear short skirts and low-cut tops, knowing it would make him blush and turn him on.
Aubrey would also taunt him, saying things like “Who’s a big, dirty diaper-wearing dummy?” and “Do you want me to change your diaper, Timmy?” She loved the power it gave her and the way it made her feel.
One night, Aubrey decided to take things to the next level. She dressed up in a tight, pink nurse’s uniform and brought out a giant box of diapers. Timmy’s eyes widened with excitement as she began to change his diaper, taking her time and enjoying every moment.
From that night on, Aubrey and Timmy had a special bond. She continued to babysit him, and they would often engage in dirty and graphic role-play scenarios. Aubrey had never felt so alive and fulfilled. Being a bored housewife was a thing of the past. She had found her calling as the ultimate babysitter for an adult baby.
Need a dipey change?
Call Aubrey 888-750-4746 ext 843