Roxy had been simmering with anger since she first laid eyes on the woman. The woman with the Karen haircut, the tacky boob job, and the sense of entitlement that was absolutely noxious. Even worse was the way she treated the staff at the hotel; Roxy could not stand by and let her continue her disgusting behavior any longer.
Roxy easily learned the identity of the woman’s husband. After some convincing, he agreed to help Roxy in her plan to teach this ‘Karen’ a lesson. Room service was ordered and Roxy took the opportunity to enter the woman’s room. The moment she crossed the threshold, Karen started to complain about every little thing. Without mercy, Roxy put Karen in cuffs, her mouth taped shut, and proceeded to cut her clothes off.
When Karen’s husband emerged from the bathroom, things really got interesting. He kissed Roxy deeply, sending a shiver of excitement through her body. From that point forward, Roxy and her husband teased, tormented, and degraded Karen in the most depraved of ways. As the hour grew late, Roxy felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing that she taught Karen a lesson that she would never forget.
Let’s teach someone a lesson together!
888-750-4746 ext 827