I met this guy the other day at the mechanic shop when I went to get my car serviced. He was sexy, serious, and knew how to work with his hands. The way he took care of not just my car, but me was magical. I had nothing to do that day, so I decided to wait at the shop. It was in a shopping center with a special shop across the way. The sign read “Adult Toys & Video”. Me being the secret sex slut I am, I was itching to get up and check it out.
The way he looked over at me through the window had me squirming in my seat. I was too shy to get up and walk out of the door. My eyes stayed locked on my phone, even though I would look up and could still see his reflection. I wanted to blow his cock right then and there. Maybe ask him to take a break and come to the adult store with me. He had no idea the tricks I had up my sleeve. I could feel a slight anxiety as my thoughts kept going.
Sex toys were my favorite kind of toys next to big cocks.
I took a deep breath and made my way out of the mechanic shop. All I could think about was getting into the shop and away from his eyes watching me. Although, I’m a voyeur and love being watched myself. There was just something about his glare. It was cold, and it was deviously seductive for a male.
I walked across the way not looking back and into the shop.
Once I got to the shop, I opened the door seeing all of the naughty sex toys displayed perfectly. I greeted the older man behind the counter and made my way towards the back where the videos were. The truth was, I noticed I left my credit card at home and I had no cash on me. I need to make some money to pay for my car being done. Several booths were occupied and another was out of order. I could suck a guy off right now and make up for what I needed to pay the sexy mechanic.
Before I could turn around and wait for an available booth, there he was. He instantly grabbed me, pushing me against the brick wall.
Surprisingly, someone came walking out noticing he had me pinned against the wall. The normal response would have been to ask what was going on. Instead, he had his cock half out of his pants as he stood there and watched. The sexy mechanic told me I was supposed to pay before he began working on my car.
That was the moment I had to break it to him I had left my cards at home. His eyes squinted as he licked his lips. He then put his hands around my neck, looking me deep in my eyes.
“That’s okay, I am going to take the payment anyway,” he said. I had no idea what that meant until his hand gripped tighter around my throat. He undid his pants as the other guy watched and stroked while he proceeded to rape me right there in the adult bookstore. My instinct was to push him off, but the way he groaned and grunted. The way he was just going to take it had me frozen solid.
There was nothing I could do but allow him to take my sweet little pussy the way he wanted it for payment.
Cheyenne Moore @ Ext 874
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