Laila had been enjoying her day out shopping, blissfully unaware of the lurking danger, until the moment he grabbed at her purse with an unending lecherousness. Reacting in an instant, she swung around and landed a sharp blow with her elbow, knocking him out cold.
When the mystery man awoke, he found himself in an unfamiliar place with a strange sensation in his mouth. He quickly figured out that the source of the feeling was Laila’s fully erect cock gliding in between his lips. An expression of revulsion spread across his face when his eyes moved from Laila’s cock to the determined look on her face.
Laila had taken a stand and sent him a message that was conquerable – no one touches her without her consent – she was not to be messed with. As his eyes roamed across her coco brown skin and her voluptuous curves barely contained in her tight red dress, it registered in his mind that she was a force to be reckoned with.
Before she said a word, he knew that justice had been already served and the man quickly scurried away, never daring to cross paths with Laila again. Fortunately for him, the encounter never ended up in court as Laila had served him an unwritten justice of her own.
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