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Cassidy, a legendary Viking Shield Maiden known for her fiery red hair and fearless prowess in battle, strode into the makeshift prison pen under the light of the full moon. The night air was thick with the sounds of clashing steel, screams of the dying, and the lustful moans of conquered and conqueror alike.

The fierce warrior woman had been fighting side-by-side with her kin and sister Shield Maidens for days on end, bloodying her axe in glory and claiming many prisoners. But now that the battle was won, it was time to celebrate with drink, revelry, and a bit of fun with her freshly captured thralls.

Among the dozens of prisoners huddled together in desperate terror, one lithe young man in particular had caught Cassidy’s eye – and memories. He was French, with an ungovernable mane of chestnut hair and eyes the angry green of a summer thunderstorm. She didn’t know his name, but his defiant gaze was seared into her memory.

Leaving the debauched victory party behind for a moment, the lusty Viking stalked over to the holding pens, her mail shirt clanking and her curvaceous hips swaying. All around her, other Viking warriors were taking their pleasure from the conquered, both men and women, right there in the dirt and the blood and the filth.

But Cassidy had eyes only for her angry green-eyed boy. She entered the pen, hands on her hips as she surveyed the cowering thralls. Then she locked eyes with her pretty young captive. He meekly averted his gaze at first, but then looked back up to meet her eyes in challenge.

Cassidy laughed, a rich and throaty sound, and sauntered over to him, swishing her red braids. She reached out and roughly seized his jaw, forcing him to look at her. Then she crushed her lips against his in a brutal, dominating kiss.

He struggled in her iron grip, face scrunching up in protest. But Cassidy just slapped him hard across the face and kissed him again, her tongue plundering his mouth. She could feel his cock begin to harden against her strong thigh as it pressed into him.

Confident in her own strength and beauty, the shieldmaiden shoved the Frenchman down onto his back in the dirty straw. She threw a leg over to straddle him, pulling up her wool skirts to reveal her dripping red curls. Then she squatted down, lowering her weeping pussy to his face.

When he tried to turn his head away in disgust, Cassidy reached down to grab his hair, forcing his face into her steaming cunt. She began to grind her hips, smearing her slick juices all over his lips and cheeks.

The other prisoners stared at the spectacle in horrified silence. But outside the pen, several Viking warriors watched the show openly pumping their straining cocks.

Cassidy ignored them all, focused only on riding her pretty thrall’s face. With her other hand, she fumbled at the ties of his breeches and small clothes, freeing his cock. The hard length sprang out, slapping against his belly.

Reaching down, the Viking shieldmaiden wrapped a strong hand around his shaft, gripping him firmly. She began to pump her fist up and down his length as she ground her pussy harder against his face. Her hips undulated, making her plush ass cheeks clench and quiver.

Even as the Frenchman weakly pushed at her thighs in feeble protest, his body betrayed him. His cock throbbed and jumped in Cassidy’s grip, drooling pre-cum. His resistance only inflamed the lustful maidens’ desire.

Cassidy threw her head back with a throaty moan as she felt her climax building. Releasing her hold on his hair, she reached down to spread her soaked pussy lips open. She lined up her weeping hole with the tip of his cock, eyeing her target.

Then with a swift downward motion, the Viking shieldmaiden crashed her hips down, impaling herself on the Frenchman’s thick cock in one brutal stroke. He groaned into her cunt as she began to ride him hard, his cock spearing into her pussy in deep, driving thrusts.

The dirty sounds of Cassidy’s wanton rutting filled the night air as she took her pleasure from her helpless thrall. Wet squelches and the slap of flesh on flesh mingled with her rising moans and his muffled groans. The watching Vikings stroked their cocks in time to her plunging hips.

The Frenchman’s hands came up to grasp her flexing backside, feeling her muscles clench and unclench with every bounce. Cassidy slammed herself down on him with abandon until she felt the tell-tale flutter of her orgasm. Her eyes rolled back and she threw her head back with an animalistic howl as her pussy clamped down on his pistoning cock.

The sensation of her rippling cunt milking him proved too much. The Frenchman bucked up into her with a strangled cry, emptying his balls deep into her hungry womb. His cock jerked and twitched as he pumped what felt like a gallon of jizz into the conquering shieldmaiden.

Cassidy rode out her climax, grinding her hips down to take him as deep as possible. Her pussy quivered and clenched, working his cock for every last drop of his seed.

When the last tremors of her pleasure finally ebbed, the Viking woman stood up abruptly. Jizz and her own juices poured out of her raw cunt to splash on the Frenchman’s groin. She swiped at his wool scarf, using it to mop her messy snatch.

Then she tossed the soiled cloth in her thrall’s face with a wild bark of laughter. The watching Vikings cheered as their champion shieldmaiden strode out of the pen, her head held high, heedless of her dripping pussy.

There were more drinks to be drunk and more revels to be had tonight. The night was yet young, and Cassidy’s thirst was far from quenched.

Big sloppy kisses & blowies! – Cassidy

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Author Cassidy

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