ABDL Phone Sex with Emma

abdl phone sex

Emma, a young woman with pink hair and emerald green eyes, had always been fascinated by the world of alternative lifestyles. She had a particular fondness for the adult baby diaper lover community, and jumped at the chance to babysit for one of its members.

The man she would be caring for was named Richard, a kind and gentle soul in his early forties. He had a soft, round belly and a cherubic face framed by curly brown hair. Richard was a successful businessman, but in his free time, he enjoyed indulging in his unique hobby.

Emma arrived at Richard’s luxurious penthouse apartment one evening, dressed in a simple white blouse and navy blue skirt. She was greeted at the door by Richard himself, who was wearing a yellow onesie with cartoon ducks on it.

“Hello, Emma,” Richard said, his voice gentle and soothing. “I’m so glad you could make it. Come on in.”

Emma followed Richard into the living room, taking in the opulent surroundings. The room was decorated in a modern style, with sleek lines and minimalist furniture. A large flat-screen TV dominated one wall, and a plush rug covered the floor.

Richard led Emma to a cozy corner of the room, where a pile of plush toys and blankets awaited.

“This is where we’ll be spending most of our time,” Richard explained. “I like to have story time and play time here. It’s nice and comfortable.”

Emma smiled, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. She had always been drawn to the idea of caring for someone in this way, and she was eager to get started.

Over the next few hours, Emma and Richard settled into a routine. They read stories together, played with toys, and cuddled under blankets. Emma found herself becoming more and more drawn to Richard, and she could feel the sexual tension building between them.

As the night wore on, Emma began to explore Richard’s body, running her hands over his soft belly and firm chest. Richard responded eagerly, his breath quickening as Emma’s fingers grazed his nipples.

Soon, the two of them were locked in a passionate embrace, their bodies entwined as they explored each other’s most intimate places. Emma’s fingers found their way to Richard’s diaper, and she began to stroke him through the soft, absorbent material.

Richard moaned with pleasure, his hips bucking as Emma’s fingers worked their magic. He reached down and pulled aside the diaper, revealing his hard, throbbing cock.

Emma wasted no time in taking him into her mouth, her lips and tongue working in tandem to bring him to the brink of ecstasy. Richard’s fingers tangled in her hair as he thrust his hips, driving his cock deeper into her willing mouth.

As Richard’s climax approached, Emma could feel her own arousal building. She reached down and began to touch herself, her fingers rubbing and stroking her clit as Richard’s cock pulsed and throbbed in her mouth.

With a final, powerful thrust, Richard came, his hot, sticky cum filling Emma’s mouth and spilling down her chin. Emma swallowed every last drop, her own orgasm crashing over her as she did so.

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