Blackmail Phone Sex – Aliyah has to pay

blackmail phone sex

In the heart of the city, in a nondescript building, lay a small apartment that Tara, a sexy woman with a huge cock, called home. The apartment was dimly lit, with a single lamp casting a warm glow over the worn-in couch and the small kitchenette. The walls were adorned with old movie posters, a testament to Tara’s former life as a pornstar.

Tara was a striking figure, with long black hair and piercing green eyes. Her body was toned and muscular, with curves in all the right places. She had a certain air of confidence about her, a swagger that came from years of being in control.

Aliyah, on the other hand, was a sweet and innocent girl. She had short, curly brown hair and big brown eyes that seemed to hold a world of innocence. She was petite, with a body that was just starting to develop curves. She had a shy smile and a soft voice that could melt even the hardest of hearts.

Aliyah had fallen behind on her rent, and Tara, being the understanding landlord that she was, had given her a chance to make it up. But when Aliyah couldn’t come up with the money, Tara had to get rough with her. She told Aliyah that she would throw her out in the streets if she didn’t make several dirty movies with her. Aliyah had no choice but to agree.

Tara led Aliyah to the bedroom, where the walls were lined with cameras and lighting equipment. She told Aliyah to strip, and Aliyah did as she was told, her hands shaking as she removed her clothes. Tara’s gaze lingered on Aliyah’s body, taking in every inch of her.

Tara then told Aliyah to worship her huge cock. Aliyah’s eyes widened as she saw it, but she did as she was told. She wrapped her lips around Tara’s cock, her tongue swirling around the tip as Tara moaned in pleasure. Tara’s hands wrapped in Aliyah’s hair, guiding her as she took more of Tara’s cock in her mouth.

Tara then bent Aliyah over the bed and began to fuck her from behind. Aliyah’s moans filled the room as Tara’s cock filled her. Tara’s hands gripped Aliyah’s hips as she thrust into her, her balls slapping against Aliyah’s ass.

The cameras captured every moment, every moan, every thrust. Tara’s huge cock pounding into Aliyah’s tight pussy, Aliyah’s breasts bouncing with every thrust. The scene was graphic and explicit, a testament to the raw sexual energy between the two women.

Tara then pulled out and told Aliyah to get on her knees. She then proceeded to cum all over Aliyah’s face, and it was all recorded in vivid detail.

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