Dungeon Phone Sex Fun With Wren

dungeon phone sex

dungeon phone sex
dungeon phone sex

Wren’s basement was a dimly lit, dank space, the air thick with the scent of sweat and anticipation. The only source of light was a single, flickering bulb hanging from the ceiling, casting eerie shadows across the concrete walls. In the center of the room, a metal table stood, its surface cold and unforgiving. And tied down to that table, struggling and writhing, was a young man named Jamie.

Jamie was a petite, slender thing, with delicate features and long, dark hair that cascaded down his back in a tangled mess. His eyes were wide with fear, but there was also a spark of excitement in them, a thrill that came from knowing that he was about to be pushed to his limits.

Wren stood over him, a cruel smile playing on her lips as she tightened the ropes that bound him to the table. She was a small woman but somehow still an imposing figure. Her short, black hair was slicked back, and her blue eyes glinted with a fierce, predatory gleam.

“Please, Wren,” Jamie begged, his voice trembling with fear and desire. “Please, let me cum. I can’t take it anymore.”

Wren laughed, the sound echoing through the basement. “You don’t get to cum, bitch boy,” she said, her voice low and dangerous. “All you get to do is suffer.”

With that, she reached down and pulled a small, metal device from her pocket. It was a cock cage, designed to keep a man’s penis locked away and unable to become erect. Jamie whimpered as she attached it to his tiny penis, the cold metal sending shivers down his spine.

Wren then turned to the laptop that sat on a nearby table, the screen displaying a live web feed of the scene. She had a loyal audience, one that paid good money to watch her torture and degrade the men who submitted to her. And Jamie was her latest victim.

Over the next few hours, Wren did things to Jamie that would make even the most hardened porn aficionado blush. She whipped him with a cat-o’-nine-tails, the thin, leather straps leaving angry welts on his skin. She inserted a large, black dildo into his ass, stretching him wide open as he screamed in pain. She even forced him to perform oral sex on her, his lips wrapped around her clit as she moaned with pleasure.

Through it all, Jamie begged and pleaded for release, his body wracked with pain and pleasure. But Wren was relentless, her cruelty only fueled by his suffering.

Finally, as the sun began to rise, Wren decided that she had had enough. She removed the cock cage, her audience cheering as Jamie’s tiny penis sprang to life, hard and aching with need. But Wren had no intention of letting him cum. Instead, she turned to the camera and grinned, her green eyes glinting with a fierce, predatory gleam.

“Thank you all for watching,” she said, her voice low and sultry. “I hope you enjoyed the show. Until next time…”

With that, she turned off the camera and walked away, leaving Jamie tied to the table, his body wracked with pain and pleasure, his tiny penis throbbing with need.

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