Lesbian Guacamole Orgy

Lesbian Guacamole Orgy

Nina, Roni and Rachel Celebrate a little too much! Or did they?

Nina, Roni, and Rachel stumbled into Nina’s apartment after a night of celebrating Nina’s promotion at work. The three friends had indulged in one too many tequilas, their laughter and giggles filling the air. Their celebration was about to turn into a Lesbian Guacamole Orgy.

As they made their way to Nina’s bedroom, they took bowl of guacamole and chips they had brought home with them. Rachel, with her round, perfect breasts, accidentally spilled some guacamole on her chest. Roni, with her perky tits and rocking bod, offered to help clean it off.

Roni’s fingers gently traced Rachel’s cleavage, scooping up the green dip. But instead of wiping it away, she brought her fingers to her mouth and licked them clean. Nina, with her sexy big boobs and body to die for, watched in amazement.

The eroticism of the moment was not lost on any of them. Nina joined in, dipping her chip into the guacamole and then slowly tracing it along Roni’s collarbone, letting the creamy mixture drip down between her breasts. Roni’s breath hitched as Nina leaned in and licked it off, her tongue darting out to taste the dip and Roni’s skin.

Soon, the three were entangled in a passionate, explicit orgy. They licked and sucked and bit at each other’s bodies, their hands roaming and exploring. The room was filled with moans and sighs, the scent of tequila and guacamole mixing with the musk of three aroused women.

As they reached their climax, they collapsed onto the bed, spent and satisfied. The guacamole bowl was long forgotten, but the memory of their intimate moment would stay with them forever.

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Nina is ext 849, Roni is ext 807 and Rachel is ext 810!!! Call any of us, I dare you to do a three girl call with all of us!!!

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