Sleepless and Horny

Sleepless and Horny

I was sleepless and horny. The clock on my nightstand read 2AM, but my body was wide awake. My mind raced with thoughts of pleasure and desire. I glanced over at the little black box on my dresser, calling my name. I sighed and slipped out of bed, padding across the cool hardwood floor to retrieve my favorite vibrator.

I climbed back into bed, my body tingling with anticipation. I slipped off my tee shirt and panties, my full hips and large breasts spilling out onto the bed. I reached over to the bedside table and lit a candle, its warm glow casting shadows across my room. I took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla as I closed my eyes.

My hand moved down to my bare mound, feeling the softness of my skin. I ran my fingers over my lips, feeling the wetness already beginning to build. I let out a soft moan as I turned on my vibrator, its gentle hum sending shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes, imagining the hands of a lover exploring my body, caressing my curves, and making me feel desired.

As I slipped the vibrator inside of me, I couldn’t help but glance out of the corner of my eye. My bedroom window faced my neighbor’s house, and I could see his window was open, a dim light spilling out into the night. I wondered if he could see me, if he could hear the soft moans escaping my lips. The thought made me even wetter, and I couldn’t help but put on a bit of a show for him.

I ran my hands over my body, feeling the weight of my breasts, the curve of my hips. I slipped the vibrator out of me, using it to tease my clit. I let out a louder moan, biting my lip as I felt the orgasm building inside of me. I couldn’t help but imagine my neighbor watching me, his hand wrapped around his own cock as he watched me pleasure myself.

As I came, my body shaking with pleasure, I couldn’t help but wonder if he had seen me. If he had heard me. The thought made me blush, but it also made me feel desired and wanted. I turned off my vibrator and blew out the candle, slipping back under the covers. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, my body still tingling with pleasure, looking forward to the next time I would be sleepless and horny.

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