Unexpected rough sex for Emma

rough sex

rough sex
rough sex

Emma was walking home in the pouring rain, her clothes sticking to her skin and her hair plastered to her face. She could feel the chill of the damp night air seeping into her bones, and she quickened her pace, eager to get out of the downpour and into the warmth of her apartment.

She didn’t notice the man following her at first, matching her stride for stride and staying just far enough behind to avoid detection. But as she turned down the deserted alleyway that led to her front door, she felt a sudden surge of fear. The streetlights were few and far between in this part of town, and the darkness seemed to close in around her.

As she walked deeper into the alley, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she let out a startled cry. Before she could react, the man spun her around and pushed her up against the cold, wet brick wall. She could feel the hard length of his cock pressing against her thigh, and she knew in that instant that she was in trouble.

But instead of panicking, something unexpected happened. A wave of desire washed over her, and she found herself wanting him, needing him to take her right there in the alley. She could feel the heat pooling between her legs, and she knew that she was wet and ready for him.

Without a word, the man lifted up her skirt and shoved his cock inside her, filling her completely. She gasped at the sudden intrusion, but she didn’t resist. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer, meeting him thrust for thrust as he fucked her hard and fast against the wall.

Their bodies moved together in a frantic dance, the sound of their heavy breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh echoing through the dark alley. Emma could feel herself on the brink of orgasm, and she knew that she was close. But just as she was about to come, the man pulled out of her and stepped back, leaving her feeling empty and unsatisfied.

She looked at him, confused and disappointed, but he just smiled and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small, silver object and held it up for her to see. It was a pair of handcuffs, and Emma’s heart began to race as she realized what he had in mind.

He grabbed her wrists and quickly snapped the cuffs around them, securing her to the pipe that ran along the wall. She was completely at his mercy now, and she could feel her pussy throbbing with anticipation.

He reached down and stroked her clit, teasing her with his fingers as he whispered filthy words in her ear. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, and she knew that she was about to come.

But just as she was about to reach her peak, he stopped and stepped back, leaving her wanting and needing more. She could see the outline of his cock through his wet pants, and she knew that he was as hard as she was wet.

He reached down and unzipped his fly, freeing his cock and stepping closer to her. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, and she knew that she was about to get what she wanted.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, thrusting his cock deep inside her. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate him, and she knew that this was what she had been craving.

He fucked her hard and fast, their bodies slapping together in the dark alley. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, and she knew that she was about to come.

But just as she was about to reach her peak, he pulled out of her again, leaving her feeling empty and unsatisfied. She looked at him, confused and disappointed, but he just smiled and reached into his pocket again.

This time, he pulled out a small, black object. It was a vibrator, and Emma’s heart began to race as she realized what he had in mind.

He turned it on and pressed it against her clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, and she knew that she was about to come.

He reached down and unzipped his fly, freeing his cock and stepping closer to her. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, and she knew that she was about to get what she wanted.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, thrusting his cock deep inside her. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate him, and she knew that this was what she had been craving.

He fucked her hard and fast, their bodies slapping together in the dark alley. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, and she knew that she was about to come.

This time, he didn’t stop. He kept going, fucking her harder and faster until she finally reached her peak, crying out as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

He followed soon after, his cock throbbing as he filled her with his cum. They stood there for a moment, panting and sweating, before he finally pulled out of her and released her from the handcuffs.

She looked at him, her eyes filled with desire and gratitude. She knew that this was just the beginning, and she couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the night had in store for them.

As they walked back to her apartment, hand in hand, Emma couldn’t help but feel grateful for the stranger who had turned her dark and rainy night into something so much more. She knew that this was a night she would never forget, and she couldn’t wait to see what the future held for them.

But even as she thought about all of the possibilities, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning and that there was so much more to come. And as she closed the door behind them, she knew that she was ready for whatever the night had in store for her.

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