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A large Halloween bash was taking place at the local bar and Aliyah made her way in eagerly.  It wasn’t long until her attention was caught by the most stunning creature in the room.  A tall, dark, and mysterious man and something about him drew Aliyah in like a moth to a flame.

She approached the creature cautiously, feeling a little hesitant.  The man seemed to sense her unease and seemed to change his demeanor, in order not to scare her away.  The pair of them spoke for hours, although it felt to Aliyah as if she had known him all her life.  As the night went on, their conversations grew more intimate and soon Aliyah felt herself melting at his touch.

Before she knew it, the two of them were in the throes of passion.  He was strong and assertive, it was the most amazing experience of her life!  She came more than she had ever with anyone else.  They held each other until the sun began to rise, and then, it was as if he vanished in a puff of smoke.

Aliyah was left stunned and confused, wondering what had just happened.  Who was this man that had just made her fall in-love with him in the span of one night?  She had no answers.  As she got up confused to try to put the pieces together, she noticed two puncture wounds on her neck with dried blood around them.

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Aliyah Petrova

Author Aliyah Petrova

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